This cloud trace contains instance events and machine events for the OpenStack KVM cloud on the Chameleon testbed since it was built in 2015. Several text fields have been anonymized to hide user information. This trace contains data from 2015-09-17T15:37:05.000Z until 2018-12-17T15:56:16.000Z. The epoch time for timestamps is 2015-09-17T00:00:00. It follows version 0.2 of the cloud trace format.
- Owner: Kate Keahey (
- Source: Chameleon testbed
- Release date: December 17, 2018
- Version: 0.2
Download the trace (10.97 MB ZIP file, 68.16 MB uncompressed instance events file, 45.83 KB uncompressed machine events file)
Please contact the data owner for using this data for any research purpose prior to release and acknowledge the source of the data in any published material based on it.